Friday, 9 December 2011

Tactile Teachers

This afternoon I will be leading a work shop with the teachers of Michelangelo School of Creative Arts.
And I believe this is the best way to be beneficial for the students. To instruct the teachers with some creative and mind expanding techniques,* create a dialogue about the importance of conscious Tactile experiences, creative stimulation, and the immediacy of touch , they will be able to reach out and , if the tutors choose to do so, they will be able to integrate these techniques in their teaching methods
I will introduce myself and speak very briefly on the subject of Touch.

The hand-lotion exercise

The conscious -Touch exercise
The Hat exercise

The sheet exercise (outside )

We will then discuss the benefits of tactile activities. I will explain more about my touch programme, the work in the museum yesterday, and how Touch- Exercises can be beneficial for the students. I will briefly explain the proprioception concept,in relation to the sheet exercise and the last exercise. and how that can affect some students .

Finish of with' sitting in space' exercise, to demonstrate proprioception , now knowledge
been gained on the subject.

I started of working with the students, hoping that they would gain from the series of workshops. Now my aspirations have become much bigger; I want to make changes in relation to the whole art college. I want it to become my project, and help them raise , not only their profile, but also the connection with the outside world, by improving their computer situation, their PR skills, their library . I will not be able to do this on my own, and I will need the help of experienced people. Already I have had meetings, and brought a person out, who shares my interest to improve this educational institute. I can see my self continuing giving the Touch-Awareness workshops, the first series I will be conducting in March , working with the new students, on invitation of the school, but I will also be spending a lot of time working on improving the school, so that the students will be no longer held back by lack of internet or by books about science published in 1954.
Apart from my involvement in school, I like to stay connected with the museum. I would really like to follow the process of the Touch-Cabinet, and spend time observing visitors. I would like to promote Touch in museums, by actually being there and talk about the subject,Especially when the contrast is as stark as it is here.

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