I feel that the students benefited greatly from the whole experience.
To take part in a research project raised their self-worth and self confidence. This was observed by Mr. Million, in a evaluation we had. It exposed them to new and mind expanding experiences. This affected them on a personal and creative level. They were involved in the preparations of the exhibition; some of them had never even been in the museum. I was able to provide them with relevant web-sites and blogs related to art and culture in East Africa. they did not seem to have any knowledge of the art and design scene in Uganda at all.(Part of a plan I want to develop in future is improve the computer situation in the art-college ) I brought some design and interior magazines for the library in the college. Mr. Million told me that every night , there are many students soaking up the images and reading the articles. Again, this is about opening a window into another world. I told one young student, after we spoke extensively about his work, to bring his black and white work in the museum, and give a demonstration. This created a lot of interest among the visitors. Again, it is about action-interaction ; Visitors see something done manually , which creates immediately a tactile interest. Only by touching Francis' work, Mr. Katabaazi, one of the visitors in the museum, realized that this work was not printed, but cut.
This interest was a great incentive for the artist; He prepared. He thought of different designs, and it looks good on his CV that he demonstrated in The Kampala Museum. He left a feeling slightly different artist, than the one who entered the museum that day earlier.
The musical instruments provided an unexpected bonus : The lady present to demonstrate played on a traditional Ugandan string instrument and Julius, Godwin and Francis started to play the Drums. I made some interesting sound recordings , which I will possibly able to use for the exhibition in Belfast. instrument (what name ?)
From research in touch, many other aspects have sprouted. Yet, they are all related. Touching is about experience. About having a tactile experience. I feel that , because of the Touch exercises we did at the art college, the group shared a common interaction , and this consequently created a base which was very easy to work on.
I once observed, that the touch of the branches of a weeping willow, caused the ice of the canal to melt. This Touch exercise had the same effect. Although the metaphor of ice in the tropics is hard to maintain, I feel this is exactly what happened.
I guess they don't call these activities ice-breakers for nothing.
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